Thank You! The 2023 RADAR-base Mobile Health Symposium
Playlist of talks LINK
We had a great time in Utrecht hearing about all the amazing ways RADAR-base is being put to use in the mobile health space — it was really inspirational!
I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who attended the RADAR-base symposium this year. It was a great success, and I’m so glad that so many people were able to join us.
We had a fantastic lineup of speakers, who shared their insights on a wide range of topics related to RADAR-base technology. I learned a lot from them, and I’m sure you did too.
I also wanted to thank the sponsors of the symposium, Garmin, your support is greatly appreciated.
If you missed any of the talks, don’t worry! The videos will be available online soon. I’ll post a link to them in this blog post when they’re up.
Thanks again for attending! I hope to see you next year.
Videos from the talks are now available!
The videos from the RADAR-base symposium are now available online. You can watch them here: Playlist of talks https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLma3VCT9SFlPHVOFpGSOvllld2r0gH3zX